JOSEFHEIMFoundation Inc.
Our Partner Beneficiary is the JOSEFHEIM FOUNDATION, INC. founded by Rev. Fr. Dari Dioquino located on a 23 hectare lot (1 hectare donated, 2 hectare rented with 20 hectare lot for future expansion) at Sitio Labon, Bugarin, Halayhayin, Pililia, Rizal, Philippines. This Foundation is a Securities and Exchange Commission-registered, faith-inspired, non-profit civil society organization that provides free room, board, and holistic care for the elderly and abandoned. At present the facility serves 24 elderlies.
To provide the funds that the Foundation needs for its mission to care for the poor and the needy, it currently relies on the goodwill of the peoples and corporations who generously and responsibly shares their time, talent and treasures. But the Foundation knows that these will not be enough. |
And so, the Josefheim Foundation would embark on an ambitious plan to create an Eco-Tourism Park with farms, retreat center and houses, factory, secondary hospital, home for the aged facility and many more.
The goal is to have a self-supporting, sustainable community of Christians that would grow its own food, have green energy for power and water, have job security, and most of all to physically, spiritually and emotionally embody our Lord’s command to love one another.
End Beneficiaries:
The goal is to have a self-supporting, sustainable community of Christians that would grow its own food, have green energy for power and water, have job security, and most of all to physically, spiritually and emotionally embody our Lord’s command to love one another.
End Beneficiaries:
- Non-paying residents of the Home for the Aged.
- Non-paying patients of the secondary hospital.
- Retired Poor Priests.
- Regular employees/staffs of the foundation with benefits.
The Josefheim Foundation, Inc. has been a beacon of hope and support for the homeless and elderly in the community. Through their dedication and tireless efforts, they have provided shelter, care, and assistance to those in need, showing unparalleled compassion and generosity. Their impact on the lives of many marginalized individuals is truly remarkable that brings positive change to our society.